160 interactive maps of history and science on MyReadingMapped / ClimateViewer 3D

160 interactive maps of history and science on MyReadingMapped / ClimateViewer 3D

Combining any of the 160 MyReadingMappedTM maps of history and science with the hundreds other maps and the 3D technology available on ClimateViewer 3D enables you to customize your individual self-learning or classroom teaching efforts. Making it a unique educational resource where you get to customize a powerful self-organized learning environment. One where you can digitally experience history and science for yourself the way you want to learn or teach it. By combining maps in this manner encourages critical and analytical thinking and the power of “what if I combine this with that…?” to a wide degree of subject matter from ancient ruins, to famous explorer expeditions, weather classifications, environmental disasters, disease outbreaks, wars, hydrothermal vents and cold seeps, shipwrecks and more.

Grades: Not Grade Specific
Subjects: Geography, History, Science