

ShillerMath publishes research-based math curriculum, music, manipulatives, flashcards, and workbooks for students of ages 4-13 (including pre-K and pre-Algebra), with beautifully designed lessons, diagnostic tests with answer keys, math songs, and Montessori-based manipulatives.

No Montessori or math knowledge is required and there's zero lesson preparation - just read (or have your child read) what's in quotes and you're good to go! Students using this approach consistently outperform their peers.

The ShillerMath curriculum includes authoritative materials and lessons used by thousands of Montessori schools worldwide and is the math curriculum of choice for thousands of homes and classrooms nationwide.

ShillerMath founder Larry Shiller worked with child behavioral education and Montessori experts at Princeton Center for Teacher Education, a nationally renowned Montessori teachers training institute, in the editing of books 1-3 and selection of manipulatives when ShillerMath was first developed in 2002.

Author: Larry Shiller
Subjects: Math
Grades: Pre-K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Publisher: Shiller & Company, Inc.
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