English Lessons Through Literature

English Lessons Through Literature
  • Short, three day per week lessons keep Language Arts from taking all of your time.
  • Children interact with books, not just passages from books.
  • Writing is taught through imitation.
  • Spelling is taught through prepared dictation.
  • Copywork is included from the literature, the Bible, maxims, and poetry.
  • Students rewrite sentences from the stories, changing the sentences through grammatical changes. This old exercise from Erasmus teaches children to say the same thing in many different ways.
  • Children write outlines, then write papers from their outlines.
Author: Kathy Jo DeVore
Subjects: English Language Arts
Grades: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Publisher: Barefoot Ragamuffin Curricula


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