To make the Easter cards, you just need some happy color construction paper and the following:
- a pair of scissors
- a pencil
- a glue stick and craft glue (for the yarn and felt)
- some green yarn
- a piece of felt
- a black marker

How to make the First Easter Card
Step 1 – Cut out three small flowers and then three egg shapes (each egg a different color).
Step 2 – Cut a small circle out of red construction paper (or another color of your preference) then glue it to the center of the flower. Outline the flower with some dashed lines and/or dots (or anything else you can think of) with a black marker.

Step 3 – Fold the (yellow) piece of construction paper in half and glue the three eggs onto the front as shown in the picture below. Add some text on top. I chose to print out some text, but if you prefer, you can do this by hand. Outline the eggs with a black marker.

How to Make the Second Easter Card
Step 1 – First cut out the eggs then glue them to the folded construction paper as shown in the picture below.
Step 2 – At the bottom of the eggs, glue short pieces of the green yarn to represent the spring grass.

Step 3 – Cut out a small piece of felt shaped like a small bowl and glue it over the green yarn (see picture above).
Step 4 – Glue a previously cut out flower on top of the piece of felt.
Step 5 – Write “Happy Easter” by hand at the top of the card. I was feeling a little lazy and decided to print, cut out, and glue the text onto the card.
Enjoy creating these with your little one! Happy Easter!