Reasons Why I Love Homeschooling

Reasons Why I Love Homeschooling -

When my firstborn was a baby, I never thought for a moment that I would be homeschooling her. I always thought my kids would start school and I'd be working outside our home for some software company. Well, life likes to give you surprises and I've been homeschooling my oldest for more than 4 years now. I've also started homeschooling our youngest last year. 

Most days, I love staying home with our kids and teaching them, even though I feel like I sacrificed quite a bit by doing so. At first, it was a little tough for me switching from being a software engineer to a homemaker and home educator. However, over time we discovered that homeschooling fit our lifestyle much better. 



Reasons Why I Love Homeschooling

  1. I get to spend more time with my kids and get to know them better. This one is a HUGE advantage for me. I want to know my children. I want to spend more than just a couple of hours with them each day.  
  2. My children get all the time they need from their teacher, i.e. me. They don't have to share me with 20+ other students.
  3. We're going at a pace that's comfortable for our kids. If they know something, we go through it faster, if they don't then we move slower.   
  4. We don't have to buy a lot of school clothes and school items. I dislike shopping, so I'm glad I don't have to do a lot of it just before the start of each school year.   
  5. We can skip teaching days without any issues.  
  6. There is no need for us to wake up really early. Our kids like to sleep until 8 or 8:30 am. Sometimes one of them sleeps until 9 am. It’s wonderful that I don't have to wake them up early so that they can make it to school on time.  
  7. I don't have to stress out about lunches. Making and eating lunches at home is definitely easier when you have kids with food allergies.  
  8. Seeing my children learn math, science, history, programming, etc. from me makes me feel proud.
  9. I don't have to worry about bullying. In the very short time that our daughter was in public school, she was already being treated badly by another kid in her class. This really bothered her for a long time. 
  10. Even though I spent 21 years going to school, I never liked the public education system. I just loved learning, that is why I kept going.
  11. We can go for walks, to the beach, or go to the playground whenever we want to. I don't have to wait for the kids to come home from school, or for the weekend before we can go anywhere together.
  12. Travel is a lot easier for homeschoolers. My husband and I are planning to do more traveling in the near future and we love being able to go whenever and for as long as we want to. 

What about you? What do you love about homeschooling? 


Reasons Why I Love Homeschooling -